Southern California Area League

Are you an artist?

Want to make $20, and draw the cover page for a program?

Anyone interested, please email Victor Reinhart, at
There are a lot of contests planned for this season.

You may sign your name on the drawing.

Drawings must be black and white, tasteful, and suitable for kids of all ages. A skating theme is highly desireable.

Have some fun and show off your drawing skills.

Jackie Cross has done a fantastic job with these pictures. Now that we have 2 leagues (SCAL and Champs), and so many contests, it's too much for just one person. I've recycled a few of the pictures, but I'd rather get a fresh picture for each contest if possible.

You've seen her pictures on the contest covers. Here are a few examples of her work.

Victor Reinhart
Holiday Skating Club of Orange
SCAL Registrar and Webmaster



Cover Picture June 2, 2013 - Mermaids